Wir pachten Ihre Flächen für Photovoltaik – Innovationspreis Bayern: SINNPower gestaltet die Zukunft mit maßgeschneiderten PV-Lösungen - Photovoltaik überall nutzbar – auf Dächern, Freiflächen und sogar Wasserflächen - Maximale Flächennutzung durch Agri-PV: Landwirtschaft und Energieerzeugung vereint - Unsere innovativen Lösungen sorgen für Resilienz und Autarkie, indem sie eine unabhängige und widerstandsfähige Energieversorgung ermöglichen -
Sustainable energy for
the water industry
The energy transition does not stop at sensitive areas such as sewage treatment plants and water protection zones. Until now, photovoltaic systems were hardly feasible in these areas, especially in areas around pumping stations, for reasons of drinking water protection. Thanks to our innovative SKipp technology, we can now offer you tailor-made solutions that meet the strict requirements in water protection zones II and III and at the same time generate renewable energy.
In addition, our floating PV system SLake offers an effective way to efficiently use water surfaces at sewage treatment plants. This conserves valuable land resources and enables sensible dual use through sustainable electricity production. In view of the EU's new municipal wastewater directive, which stipulates mandatory energy neutrality, our systems are the ideal solution for future-oriented and environmentally conscious energy supply.

SLake: The advantages at a glance
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The use of existing water surfaces at sewage treatment plants conserves valuable land resources and enables sensible dual use with additional power generation. Especially in view of the municipal wastewater directive recently adopted by the EU Parliament - with requirements for mandatory energy neutrality - the floating PV system SLake is a sensible solution.
Approval procedure : Our technology has been proven to be approvable, so that purification ponds and treatment ponds can be fully used for the operation of floating photovoltaic systems - regardless of the otherwise usual requirements for artificial bodies of water under the Water Resources Act.
Focus on nature conservation: Breeding platforms with access aids can be installed on each of the module blocks so that water birds can nest there and find protection from predators. The distance between the platform and the water surface is at least 50 cm so that water birds can swim under the facility. The entire facility was designed with environmental and nature conservation aspects in mind (e.g. use of drinking water-friendly materials).
Pilot plant on the polishing ponds of the Ammersee sewage treatment plant in Eching: This is where the world's first floating photovoltaic system on polishing ponds is being built. Bavaria's Energy Minister Hubert Aiwanger gave the starting signal for this lighthouse project as part of the Bavarian Energy Days 2024 and launched the first of around 50 module blocks.
SINN Power accompanied the project throughout the planning and approval phase and is also responsible for all procurement issues as well as the construction and grid connection.
As a technology and general contractor, we also create holistic energy concepts for your company. We can draw on an extensive product portfolio of various photovoltaic applications

SKipp Land: The advantages at a glance
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