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Our projects: Where pioneering technologies become a sustainable energy supply

Learn more about our projects (selection)!

Floating PV (SKipp Float), gravel pond

Location: Gravel plant in Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 1.8 MWp

Size: 13,000 m2

Number of PV modules: 2500

Rooftop PV, logistics hall


Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Installed capacity: 1.2 MWp

Size: 9000 m2

Number of PV modules: 2900

Rooftop PV, logistics hall


Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Installed capacity: 1 MWp

Size: 9000 m2

Number of PV modules: 2300

Floating PV ( SLake), sewage treatment plant

Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 600 kWp

Number of module blocks: 60

Number of PV modules per block: 16

Conveyor belt PV, gravel plant


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 850 kWp

Length of conveyor belt: 1000 m

Number of PV modules: 1760

Rooftop PV


Location: Industrial park in Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 100 kWp


Rooftop PV (SKipp Roof), logistics hall

Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Installed capacity:

Rooftop PV, golf club


Location Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 460 kWp


Floating PV (SKipp Float), gravel plant

Location: Baden-Württemberg Germany

Installed capacity:

Number of FPV modules:

Conveyor belt PV & SKipp Land


Location: Brandenburg, Germany

Installed capacity:

Annual production:


Agri-PV (SKipp Agri)

Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 10 kWp

Number of PV modules: 14

Conveyor belt PV floating


Location: Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Installed capacity: 260 kWp

Number of installed PV modules: 420

Length of conveyor belt: 400 m


Rooftop PV, high school


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 40 kWp


Rooftop PV, community center


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity:



Rooftop PV, elementary school


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 100 kWp


Rooftop PV, municipal building


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 7 kWp


Rooftop PV, warehouse


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 110 kWp


Floating PV


Research project: hybrid, floating platform

Location: Heraklion, Crete


Rooftop PV, residential


Location: Greece

Installed capacity: 4 kWp


Rooftop PV, residential


Location: Greece

Installed capacity: 5 kWp


Rooftop PV, residential


Location: Bavaria, Germany

installed capacity: 100 kWp


Rooftop PV, residential


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 18 kWp


Rooftop PV, residential


Location: Bavaria, Germany

installed capacity: 100 kWp


Rooftop PV, residential


Location: Bavaria, Germany

Installed capacity: 18 kWp


Neben unseren Projekten in Deutschland sind wir auch international tätig. Mit SINNPower Türkei und Griechenland nutzen wir die hervorragenden natürlichen Ressourcen des Landes, um innovative Lösungen für erneuerbare Energien zu entwickeln. Erfahre mehr über unsere Arbeit in der Türkei: 

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