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From Raw Material to Energy Treasure

Traditional rock mining and renewable energies can be ideally combined: Our photovoltaic solutions, specially developed for your industry, are among the most economical and cost-effective on the market. Developed by a team of experts for the rock mining industry, we offer you three particularly lucrative and quickly implementable options:


1. Conveyor belt photovoltaics for your infrastructure

2. SKipp Float, the floating photovoltaic system

3. SKipp Land for your free areas

4. Rooftop photovoltaics for your unused roofs

1. Conveyor belt PV

The advantages at a glance

Download information sheets here:

2. SKipp Float

The advantages at a glance

Download information sheets here:

3. SKipp Land


The advantages at a glance

Download information sheets here:

Plan your next project with SINN Power!

We will be happy to advise you in a personal consultation free of charge and create a tailor-made energy concept for you.

Fast & uncomplicated.

SINN Power GmbH

Germeringer Str. 9

82131 Gauting, Germany

+49 (0)89 92566192

Thank you!

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